2014 DMZ사진전을 미국 알라마바주 몽고메리 카운티 트로이 대학 전시장에서 실시하였는데 우리학교 이사장님이 축사를 하였습니다.

2014 DMZ사진전을 미국 알라마바주 몽고메리 카운티 트로이 대학 전시장에서 실시하였는데 우리학교 이사장님이 축사를 하였습니…

asdfasdf 0 391 2022.10.18 14:10



Welcoming Remarks

Good Afternoon everyone.

My name is Hyun Seog Shin, and I am a member of Gyoenggi Provincial Assembly.

I Would like to congratulate on the successful holding of TWO LINES photo exhibiton in Rosa parks museum on behalf of all the Gyeonggi Province citizens.

It is also my special pleasure to see Korean DMZ photos here in Mongomery,

and share the thoughts and feelings togther.

DMZ is a special place that keeps memory of national tragedy of division and conflict, but also it is where we find our hope for unigication.

I believe this photo exhibition will be and opportunity to reflect our past, present

and the future of DMZ.

Moreover, this can be a chance to share our aspiration for the unification.

In closing, I wish to express my gratitude to all delegates and observers for their full cooperation and contributions to the TWO LINES photo exhibition.

Thank you.


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